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The Public Life of the People of Christ: A Study of Philippians with Prof. N.T. Wright

Join us for a 5-day Live Webcast series February 15th through 19th from 11 AM to 1 PM CST. Participate in two live lectures each day with a 10 minute Q&A with Professor N.T. Wright.


About this Event

The people of Christ can be found in schools, government, entertainment, and of course, on social media. With the world watching, we need a robust biblical theology guiding how we participate in public life. Prof. N.T. Wright invites you to plumb the depths of Philippians to discover a Scriptural foundation for being the people of Christ in the public sphere.

These live lectures cover the wonder of the work of Jesus as seen magnificently in Philippians 2:6-11. They will also address the practical daily life applications of what it means to be a ‘citizen of heaven’ as Paul states in Philippians 3:20.

Paul writes from prison and isn’t sure whether he will be executed or released. Nonetheless, the Epistle is known for the joyous outlook that Paul communicates to his readers. We will enter into this world where the ‘private walk with Christ’ meets with the ‘calling for public engagement’ with the outside world.


Course Details

February 15-19, 2021

11am-1pm CST

Presenter: Prof. N.T. Wright


What to Expect:

  • Ten hours of in-depth lectures as well as Q & A with Professor Wright
  • Recorded video lectures will be available 24 hours after the event ends on Friday, February, 19th through February 28, 2021.
  • Free access to the forthcoming N.T. Wright Online course The Public Life of the People of Christ, when it becomes available this spring. This course will contain all the lectures of the webcast and will grant lifetime access to all video materials.

Format for each day:

  • Live lecture by Prof. Wright (45 min)
  • Q&A with Prof. Wright (10 min)
  • 5 Minute Break
  • Repeat!



Monday, February 15, 2021

Session One: Learning to Think Joyfully: Introduction to Philippians

Session Two: Prayer in God’s New World: Phil 1.1-11

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Session Three: Apostolic Reassurance: Philippians 1.12-26

Session Four: Unity and Holiness, the Keys to Public Witness: Phil 1.27–2.18

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Session Five: The Messianic Pattern: Philippians 2.6-11 (intro)

Session Six: The Cross and the Glory: Phil 2.6-11 (detail)

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Session Seven: The Apostolic Pattern: Philippians 3.1-11

Session Eight: Pressing Forward to the Goal: Phil 3.12–4.1

Friday, February 19, 2021

Session Nine: Working with Joy: Philippians 2.19-30 and 4.2-9

Session Ten: Grateful Contentment: Phil 4.10-23

About Your Professor

Prof. N.T. Wright, Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews, is now also Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall within Oxford University. He is a world-renowned scholar with expertise in Ancient Judaism and Christianity, and especially Biblical Studies. Prof. Wright enjoys writing, lecturing, mentoring students and an occasional round of golf. He delights in spending time with his family in the midst of a busy schedule of writing and traveling.

About the Sponsor

N.T. Wright Online is an independent, 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization driven by the desire to transform believers in Christ through the renewal of the mind, to renew the Church, for the benefit of the world. More than 108,000 students from 191 countries have participated in their many online courses. You can enroll now for free at https://ntwrightonline.org/philemon.

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Prof. N.T. Wright is currently Research Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at St Mary’s College in the University of St Andrews and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.

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