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Dear N.T. Wright Online Students,
I have never met most of you, but I am excited that you are ‘out there’!
I never would have dreamed that within four years of launching N.T. Wright Online we would have over 40,000 students representing 178 countries taking the courses – and of course it’s impossible to get to know everyone involved.
I am thrilled to think of so many people for whom, I hope and pray, the courses are providing individual enrichment. But all along my colleague David Seemuth and I have had one eye at least on the needs of congregations and small groups as well.
So I’m delighted that we can now announce that five of our N.T. Wright Online courses are being released in a new Small Group Edition format. These Small Group Editions try to bring together the biblical text that precedes my lectures with the best of curriculum writing.
The aim, here as elsewhere, is the renewal of the Christian mind, through good teaching and enriching discussion – but now in terms not just of renewed individuals but of transformed larger communities.
Each course has now been completely re-designed to incorporate the following:
- A Comprehensive Leaders Guide
- Carefully Selected Small Group Questions to Enhance the Group Experience
- The Kingdom New Testament Text (You Can Print this Out)
- Lectures I Have Delivered on the Topic at Hand (Usually 10-20 Minutes)
- Low Tuition Price for Small Group Members
My colleague, Dr. David Seemuth, spent 25 years overseeing adult small groups while he worked as an Associate Pastor. He developed the curriculum with the help of other pastors familiar with small group dynamics.
In short, we hope that you will spread the word about the availability of these courses, especially among those who are responsible for the theological education within congregations.
Check them out at Select the Small Group Editions tab on the menu.
Thank you for being a part of this ministry.
With best wishes,
Tom Wright
Professor, N.T. Wright Online

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