We recently became aware of a group of colleagues that have been using N.T. Wright Online courses to study and grow together during the pandemic.
Here are some of their thoughts on their experience working through our course on the Book of Daniel.
Surprised by Accessibility
A participant named Lynette mentioned finding the experience surprisingly accessible:
‘What surprised me most about studying The Book of Daniel with N.T. Wright was that the study was not overwhelming. In the past, the imagery and symbolism of some sections of Daniel were difficult for me to understand. In fact, I remember feeling like it was out of my weight class!
‘With the background information and perspective provided by Dr. Wright’s lectures and my study group’s insights, the content was much easier to digest and to apply to my personal life and experiences. Simply put, this study has been much more edifying than any of my previous studies of Daniel, either individually or with a group’.
Joys of Rethinking
Another participant named Angela mentioned how the learning experience was a joyful one.
‘My greatest joy in the study of Daniel is understanding the personal and practical application of Daniel chapter 7. This chapter is intimidating to read and to apply due to its vivid language and descriptions of Daniel’s visions and dreams.
‘The explanations that Professor N.T. Wright shares, words and phrases from an Old Testament Israelite cultural view, broadens the meaning of the Scriptures and their application. Previously, I understood Daniel 7 as strictly an end-time future event.
‘Due to this study, I have gained insight into the “manifold wisdom of God” in the multi-layered themes and real-life application of Daniel 7’.
Connecting the Testaments
Angela goes on to say:
‘This study has reminded me of the extensive amount of Old Testament Scriptures that is repeated and referenced in the New Testament Scriptures. I can readily see how the language the Apostles used in the Gospels was inspired by their knowledge of Old Testament Scriptures.
Who is the Course for?
Angela says that she ‘would recommend the Daniel course because the phrases and visionary language are repeated extensively in the New Testament. Therefore, understanding the Old Testament Scriptures opens the door for richer insight and accurate interpretation of New Testament’.
Lynette adds that she ‘would highly recommend this course because, despite N.T. Wright’s extensive scholarship, he teaches in a down to earth, easy to understand manner that appeals to both novices and seasoned Bible students alike. The segments are in bite sized pieces with enough historical and cultural background to inspire further study. Meanwhile, the thought-provoking review questions are great conversation starters for groups and review assessments support individual participants seeking to retain the content that has been presented.
‘On every level, learners are engaged and stimulated. I endorse the course without reservation’.
Jennifer Loop
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